Introducing BUILD.MOVE.BURN: High Intensity, Low Impact Exercise, Designed for Everyone

Don Saladino doing a high intensity, low impact exercise with the VECTOR by Kayezen

Introducing BUILD.MOVE.BURN: High Intensity, Low Impact Exercise, Designed for Everyone

By: The Kayezen Editors


In the world of fitness, there's an overwhelming push towards 'more'. More reps, more weight, more hours. But here's a radical thought: When it comes to fitness, more is not always better. Smarter is.

It's often said that consistency trumps everything. However, finding the balance between what's enough and what's effective can be a challenge. Really, adults need just two days of muscle-strengthening exercise in your weekly regimen in order to hit the minimum required to reap the health benefits, according to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. And you don’t need to spend hours in the gym on those two days, either. Even five to 10 minutes of resistance training at a time can add up quickly and help you to get a similar effect as fewer longer sessions, according to Seth Forman, CSCS, and head of education and training at Kayezen.

Here’s where BUILD. MOVE. BURN with the Kayezen Vector comes in. It’s an innovative approach that's not about training hard, but training smart. And not just rehabilitation or sport where VECTOR is already widely adopted, but everyday life. 

“There is actual science backing up what we’re doing and how we’re doing it,” says Seth Forman, CSCS, and head of education and training at Kayezen. “We’ve taken what has been proven to work in the sports performance world and rehabilitation world, and have made it more efficient and accessible,” he adds.

A High Intensity, Low Impact Solution

BUILD.MOVE.BURN is Kayezen’s signature and proprietary training method that’s designed to provide a high intensity workout while being low impact on the body. 

Every workout starts with a “BUILD” or a 10 second isometric exercise to “activate” our muscles. “This essentially primes the body for work,” says Forman. 

Immediately following the “BUILD”, is a “MOVE” exercise, which is performed dynamically for 10 repetitions. According to Forman, this now takes advantage of the highly activated muscles to maximize strength gains by increasing time under tension through full ranges of motion.

Finally, the workout finishes with a “BURN”, which Forman says is an exercise performed at a high level of intensity designed to turn on your body’s metabolism, helping you burn more calories at rest. 

According to Forman, the VECTOR Method offers a balanced mix of exercise and training that improves posture, strength, and general resilience for life. Especially as we age, this approach becomes increasingly crucial. And unlike traditional HIIT which can exert excessive pressure on joints, ligaments, and tendons, BUILD. MOVE. BURN, training with the Kayezen Vector delivers high intensity with less impact..

Exercise Snacks & Minimally Effective Doses

Exercise snacking isn't about squeezing in a workout between meals; it's about breaking your exercise into bite-sized, highly effective sessions that can be done anywhere, anytime. So instead of one or two 40 minute sessions per week (aka, a minimally effective dose), it can be a series of 5, 10, or 15 minutes throughout the week. Think of this as giving your body the exact dose of movement it needs to stay agile, strong, and resilient. No more, no less.

In a world where we're constantly pushed to do more, BUILD. MOVE. BURN. is a refreshing reminder that sometimes, it's not about doing more, but doing what you need to achieve your personal goals. After all, in fitness and in life, it's the smarter choices that lead to sustainable success.

We Build Resilience — Get the VECTOR Today


Introducing: The BUILD.MOVE.BURN. Workouts

Celebrity fitness trainer Don Saladino teamed up with Kayezen

Celebrity fitness trainer and Kayezen elite coach Don Saladino teamed up with Kayezen on a 3-part series of BUILD.MOVE.BURN workouts that provide a comprehensive full body routine that transfers into everyday life. 

Kayezen suggests you complete all three of these 5 - 8 minute workouts, up to three days per week on non-consecutive days. Or, complete one of the 5 - 8 minute workouts each day, alternating the workouts you do.

For detailed instructions of how to perform the exercises and how they work, Saladino walks you through each workout every step of the way from set-up to execution in the videos below.

Workout 1: The Posture Workout

This workout focuses primarily on the muscles of the back, or as the fitness experts say, “the posterior chain.” It will help improve your posture, especially if you work at a desk or in an office. 

You’ll perform a single 10-second isometric M-Row hold for the BUILD, then a set of 10 repetitions of the M-Row for the MOVE, and a set of 4 repetitions of the M-Row with 555 tempo, which means 5 second pull, 5 second hold, 5 second return, for the BURN.


Workout 2: The 360 Core Workout

Strengthening and maintaining core is one of the most important things anyone can do to lead a high performance, healthier, more pain-free lifestyle. Very rarely will you experience an exercise and workout that activates the core quite like this one. 

You’ll isometrically hold a Supine Sprinter for 10 seconds for the BUILD, then perform a set of 10 repetitions of the the Supine Sprinter for the MOVE, and a set of 4 repetitions of the Supine Sprinter with 555 tempo, which means 5 second pull, 5 second hold, 5 second return, for the BURN.


Workout 3: The Awoken Glute Workout

It is widely known that the glutes are a critical component of foundational strength, especially for people that work in an office environment or sit a lot. Sitting causes the glutes to get “lazy” or not activate as they normally would, leading to imbalances and potentially even pain. The exercises of this workout will turn them on and get them strong.

You’ll isometrically hold a Single-leg Stance for 10 seconds for the BUILD, then a set of 10 repetitions of the the Reverse Lunge for the MOVE, and as set of 4 repetitions of the Squat with 555 tempo, which means 5 second pull, 5 second hold, 5 second return, for the BURN.

Get the VECTOR today